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Digital Equity

Digital equity is one of the most digital problem faced by technology users and also when look the whole digital accesses because we recognize that they are a lot of inappropriate use of the internet. For example there is a lot of cyber bulling which effect a lot of technology users ending up for them doing things they were not meant to do. Many people are then feel uncomfortable to speak to people about their digital equity. And also they don’t follow digital standards of conduct or procedures  




                                     10 points of netiquette

1. Remember the Human Never forget that the person reading your communication is actually a person with feelings and can get hurt. Essentially never say anything online that wouldn’t say to your reader’s face.


2. Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life Be ethical in your engagement and know that breaking the law is bad netiquette.


3. Know where you are in cyberspace The netiquette required will differ from domain to domain. If you are in a forum of experts, your netiquette should reflect respect. Whereas if you are in a chat room with a group of friends (you know in real life) then the netiquette will differ!  IIE Module Manual


4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth When sharing files or documents, bear in mind the audience’s bandwidth. Furthermore, make sure you read the FAQs first before asking mundane questions where the answers already exist. If you disagree with a group’s discussion, don’t waste their (or your) time by telling them how stupid they are: Just stay away.


5. Make yourself look good online Check grammar and spelling before you post. Most people judge others’ intelligence based on the use of grammar and spelling. Only post on things you know about, it is not worth it to look like the fool.


6. Share expert knowledge Offer answers and help others where you can.


7. Help keep flame wars under control Don’t respond to flame-bait, don’t post spelling or grammar flames, and apologise if you have done so or perpetuated a flame-war.


8. Respect other people’s privacy Don’t give out other people’s details, online or offline.


9. Don’t abuse your power The more power you have, the more important it is how you use it.


10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes We all were once a newb (and no we don’t mean noob – those who know little and have no will to learn any more)

 penalties that apply for failing to meet these netiquette


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