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Digital Citizenship and Digital Access

DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP is more or put this way . it is the way in which or the appropriate responsiblev behaviour when using technology so that you dont strain yourself, get bullied, commit a crime and many other


DIGITAL ACCESS is how to participation in the world on society using electronic method for communicating or just keep up to date. Like read the electronic news and so on. Not just by the use of cellphone or computers it could be the TV too. And also people need to be aware that not everyone have the same opportunities or effect when it comes to the use of technology. Also they should work towards equal digital rights. Also if you have that kind of access to the digital technology way


Data, information and knowledge are very different because data is a collection of unprocessed facts and figures. Information is then the result of processing that data and last but not least knowledge is then gained from the interpretation of the information in context of existing knowledge and understanding







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